Start your adventure as a Yter by becoming a Virtual Affiliate.

We travel, we go on adventures around the world, and we have fun. But most importantly, we grow in our individual paths, and areas of purpose and calling. The Virtual Affiliate Program is a system that offers Yters opportunities to enable them fulfil their purpose and to live to the fullest possible expression of themselves. We empower and equip our members with resources needed for them to shine their lights and be leaders in their areas of calling, who in turn, empower others.
how it works
Shining light
- Yolar Discovery offers monthly virtual trainings, coaching, and hangouts for business, career, personal and spiritual growth.
- Our resources, tools, and campaigns are designed to help VAs grow, amplify their voices and increase their influence in their chosen careers, missions, businesses and areas of calling, for the advancement of God’s kingdom.
- Yolar Discovery provide conferences and trainings on occasion, where certifications can be awarded.

the benefits
growing together
- Become a leader in your industry
- Grow your networth by increasing your network. Get access to a network of professionals across the globe. Get informed on latest opportunites within the Yolar Network
- Join a global community of dreamers and dream achievers. Leverage on global campaigns such as the Dare Challenge Campaign to bring you closer to your goals.
- Access to high-class webinars on career,business and otherwise.
- Become a Servant-Leader.
- Grow your faith, develop Godly character, and receive clarity in fulfilling your Kingdom mandate.
- Go on monthly adventures (if living in areas with a physical hub)
raising disciples
Yolar Discovery through its Virtual Affiliate Program seeks to raise Godly unstoppable leaders who are conquering and changing their world. As a Yter, you receive:
- Exclusive access to digital workshops, trainings, and hangouts such as YES, Youtalk Hangout, and more.
- Access to recorded materials and events.
- Group and personal mentorship during Dare Challenge Campaign (DARE).
- Worksheets, templates and curriculum.
- Exclusive discounts on offers by Yolar and her partner organizations.
- Access to the Yolar Professional Network.
- Monthly adventure trips and hangouts (for yters resident in areas with a Yolar Hub).

moving forward
your commitment
Yters pay a monthly commitment fee of $5 (N2500) for the Virtual Affiliate Program. By continuing, you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.